Robot framework get current directory. 12-m robot--version Robot Framework 7.

Robot framework get current directory robot Common. 1. 1 prerelease, Python 3. For more information, please refer to the official Robot Framework User Guide. But I am unable to get path like (A/B). The resulting path is operating system dependent, but typically e. robot 02_SecondSetOfTests. co $ python3. This works fine. The ${CURDIR} variable contains the absolute path to the directory of the current file. I want to rename my excel file. SuiteVisitor. 2 and post-3. 12-m robot--version Robot Framework 7. Feb 7, 2024 · I have directory called resources which contains files to manipulate with through the tests, this directory in the same parent directory to tests. txt" in the cases. robot file? Instead of using the cmd line options at every run? Thanks in advance Niks Robot Framework is a generic open source framework for acceptance testing, behavior-driven development == Current working directory == By default, the child Jan 26, 2023 · Hello, I’ve managed to install the current version of robot and imagehorizonlibrary in a container, let’s call this the robot container. My question is, how to define paths of resources in tests. Can I do this from RIDE? Is there any setting to change Jul 13, 2022 · How to store output files into specific folder based on platform, browser and it’s version dynamically after executing the test script. d I want save reports in specific path. This calendar is possible to open by clicking icon, but after that difficulties start. robot and all your test cases can stay the same. Now, if you run your suite via IDE, current working directory might not be The actual Robot Framework code is in a directory named robot, or when using Easy Install in directory robotframework[RobotVer]. robot --dryrun suite_folder in the XML the tags are also at one place. Oct 1, 2021 · You have to give the full name of the file to the keyword - if you don't, it defaults to the current working dir of the parent process, which happens to be the suite's/the robot binary: Move File ${DIR}\\oldfilename ${DIR}\\newfilename I would like to move all my output files to a custom location, to a Run directory created based on Date time during Run time. example with prerunmodifier: python -m robot -e DRAFT -i CORE --prerunmodifier path. exe, but I also redirect the stdout of robot. Use the output directory command line option --outputdir. Make a verification that file was downloaded/exist by the latest file in the list of all downloaded files in folder. I want to us following Keyword: Selenium2Library. Jun 2, 2020 · I am a recent Robot Framework user/developer. 1 on linux) C: \> py-3. 2 on linux) C: \> py-3. The name of the variable is ${OUTPUT DIR} , and it contains an absolute path to the output directory. If time is not given, current time is used. 0 (Python 3. g. S. Is there Jan 9, 2024 · Hi, How I get just the file names that with the extension ‘. Oct 23, 2009 · Returns items from a directory, optionally filtered with pattern. Robot framework: How to get the URL to a variable? 1. default_directory=${downloadDir} Call Method ${chromeOptions} add_experimental_option prefs ${prefs} Call Method ${chromeOptions} add_argument --lang\=${browserLocale} Call Method ${chromeOptions} add_argument --headless May 26, 2014 · There is a central project which contains the robot framework wrapper. I use the Move File method. Apr 6, 2022 · If I use the ${CURDIR} built in variable in a normal standalone Robot test I get the backslashes as expected. How to run all the robot files inside current directory. Of course then you simply remove Aug 3, 2020 · I'm trying to update a column on one Excel File with the Current Time. 5 Virtual environments Python virtual environments allow Python packages to be installed in an isolated location for a particular system or application, rather than installing all packages Mar 30, 2022 · Also, note that the folder path you specify will be relative to your execution directory. Jan 21, 2017 · I am looking for some help defining my directory structure for automation tests using RobotFramework. modules['selenium. The below solution should work for you: The actual Robot Framework code is in a directory named robot. I have used Selenium Library a few months but changed that to Browser to make test cases more stable. Robot Framework runner scripts (pybot, jybot and rebot) are created and copied into another platform-specific location. get_variable_value('${OUTPUT DIR}') Jan 9, 2024 · Hi, How I get just the file names that with the extension ‘. Unless you tell it where to put the output files, they will go into the current working directory. This is what I've tried so far: ${child}= Get WebElement ${var[0]}//td[@class='status'] Where ${var} is a list of tr elements (obtained by using the Get WebElements keyword) and each one has 7 td children HTML. py ; Resource Files. txt as long as the pattern matches exactly one file. get_variable_value("{CURDIR}") from within my Python library file, I get a return value of None. 2 on linux) C: \> py -3. robot file. Is there a way to use Browser keywords, such as “Promise to wait for download” to download pdf to current directory? Jun 21, 2023 · Could you give further detail on what you are referring to in regard to the download path? are you referring to the output files? if so please see Output directory Please see a similar question regarding output directory if the question is about the output file, which had a few answers that could prove to be helpful. However, if I call a robot file from the command line using “renode-test file. And for some reason the long version of the argument, --outputdir doesn’t seem to work… (Robot Framework Language Server v1. Jan 11, 2018 · I have the following text file. How can I get the robot’s current path into a variable? Jan 30, 2017 · First specify the directory which you want the screen shot to be saved in - and set persist to False as it is a one time thing - for one particular test: Robot Framework stores its own variables in one internal storage and allows using them as scalars, lists or dictionaries. txt Length Should Be ${paths} 1 ${file} = Get File ${paths}[0] We could also consider enhancing Get File so that it would work with patterns directly. robot in that directory? in the C:\Development\robot-scripts\pythonProject\IOT\tests directory like RaspberryPi3B. You switched accounts on another tab or window. There are different tricks for generating a date time string that is filename safe depending on which os you are using and how you are running robot. Retrieve HTML-data with Robot framework and xpath. robot The __init__. robot 01_FirstSetOfTests. Does anyone know how to make it in RF using these Jul 6, 2017 · In the Robot Framework Datetime library the concept of changing the TimeZone is not present. BuiltIn import BuiltIn file_path = BuiltIn(). Libraries. You signed out in another tab or window. If you don't, but give just a file name, I guess it's taken relative to the current working directory - of the python interpreter running your script (probably). egg/robot. Paths beginning with ~ or ~username are expanded to the current or specified user's home directory, respectively. the same directory as the test suite file (or resource file) which imports the library, resource or variable file; the directories listed in PYTHONPATH environment variable Sep 16, 2015 · Here is the test robot script which got all the files successfully to the targeted directory in the local machine from remote machine. txt Tests test_1. The default is the directory where tests are run from and the given path is considered relative to that unless it is absolute. robot Jun 8, 2023 · When I try the following edited for my host, username and password saved as test_ssh_rf_demo. File and directory names are returned in case-sensitive alphabetical order, e. Note that all checks are case insensitive. 5 Virtual environments Python virtual environments allow Python packages to be installed in an isolated location for a particular system or application, rather than installing all packages Oct 21, 2022 · Hi Pete, Yes you can run with something like c:\robot - d c:\Results/Res_21102000 and all the output files (xml, html etc) will be in the c:\Results/Res_21102000 folder. resource file without any additional configuration. variables setting (so, the workaround is actually the official way to support it). The Robot Framework Custom Timestamp functions rely on the underlying Python datatime. txt ; Tests. 6 there are two ways to convert from other bases: 1) By default this keyword returns the current time, How can get the file's absolute path in a deep directory with code instead of eyes? High Efficiency Tankless Water Heater 50 ft away from gas meter Isometric game for the ZX Spectrum, featuring a protagonist with magical powers and a decaying body, held in a castle Jun 6, 2023 · Hi Subha, How about in the resources folder you create a main. Sep 14, 2017 · Following the description, I have created following directory structure: MyPythonLib\ MyPythonLib. The returned items are automatically logged. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. robot file contains my settings: Jul 25, 2017 · I am new to Robot Framework. 10-m robot--version Robot Framework 5. The proper code that is compatible with both pre-3. It'll get nasty if you use dots in your suite names. zip ${lastModifiedFile} = Get From List ${files} 0 log to console Z://${lastModifiedFile} @{time1} = OperatingSyste Nov 1, 2022 · I am using Page Object Model in Robot Framework test automation, and I am trying to pick up the test data using the page object file name. I’ve installed the PythonRemoteServer on the target VM which also contains the GUI application. The browser downloads the file without problem but it's always in C:\Users\xxxx\Downloads I followed this example https://robocorp. 10 -m robot --version Robot Framework 5. edf’ Nov 1, 2024 · Hi all, I’m trying to set chrome browser working in incognito mode to save all downloadable files in a specific directory inside of my framework, but it’s not working. robot I get “[ ERROR ] Parsing ‘test_ssh_rf_demo. Please help me solve this issue. You should use a FULL path when you know the exact location in the Jenkins node (probably not your machine), or use a relative path for example based on the location of the test suite file. py Resource Files Resource. run_keyword("Get Varia Apr 28, 2021 · *** Settings *** Library OperatingSystem *** Test Cases *** Get User Home ${user_home}= Get Environment Variable UserProfile Log To Console ${user_home}\\Downloads In Windows, there's UserProfile environment variable that resolves to e. robot file then has all the imports for the other resoiurce files that your tests need, then if a resource file is moved you update just main. BuiltIn import BuiltIn built_in = BuiltIn() output_dir = built_in. libraries. 1: 1106: 18 February 2024 Change output files if test fails. or Mar 26, 2022 · Relying on relative paths (like in your example, 2 first ones are relative even thought you start with /, because in windows you still have a drive at the start) - you will need to ensure that working directory is set to a specific directory before you run your suite. To get the ${OUTPUT DIR} from your Python code, you can call the Get Variable Value keyword directly by doing: from robot. Selenium library. This means single backslash must be writen using four backslash characters. The . If I use BuiltIn(). Using a variable as a list requires its value to be a Python list or list-like object. strptime function. 12, Robot Framework 7. Reload to refresh your session. 5 Virtual environments Python virtual environments allow Python packages to be installed in an isolated location for a particular system or application, rather than installing all packages Jan 12, 2021 · Hello, I am attempting to grab the latest generated file from a designated location(in json format) and opening it. Is there perhaps a class that stores the name of the current test case, that I could access? I want to run tests in Robot Framework with my defined directory structure. log Aug 19, 2015 · You should use -d to create output files. I want this path to start with the drive:\directory location where the robot is running. (We are going to all this trouble mainly to avoid too many people sending commits and pull requests to the same central repository ) Feb 7, 2017 · When I run test cases from RIDE the reports are saved in the below path. 5 Virtual environments Python virtual environments allow Python packages to be installed in an isolated location for a particular system or application, rather than installing all packages Feb 16, 2024 · Hi When running test I’m using the command line options “–outputdir” to redirect the output files to a specific directory with a timestamp file name. robot file can import the general. I hope you can help me. I’m using: Library SeleniumLibrary Library OperatingSystem I need to create a file directory and then by clicking on export Excel file I need to: Place a file in specified file directory. robot in the current directory (C:\Development\robot-scripts\pythonProject\IOT?) Is test_ssh_rf_demo. SSH is setup on the 3B and it is updated. directory not created at the current time that I installed Linux? Oct 18, 2022 · The current working directory usually is the directory in which you started the program. 1: 549: 4 October 2021 Dec 7, 2022 · The current working directory usually is the directory in which you started the program. I can easily retrieve the file directly but am having trouble using the proper keywords for grabbing the latest file via year month day time etc etc current code: @{files}= List Files In Directory "Path" ${lastmodifiedfile}= Get From List ${files} 0- @{time}= Get Modified Time Jun 20, 2016 · @{files}= List Files In Directory Z:\\\\ *base*. ) then GET LOCATION might return you a rather large string containing a lot of details. Implicit directories '. The software is built with expandability in mind and there are numerous ways to extend it's use cases for various needs. test_1. The output folder by datetime is created in the TestSetup I have funct Aug 7, 2014 · I want to run tests in Robot Framework. I keep getting the error “Window with last index same as current index May 21, 2015 · For v3. html and in output. When using Python on UNIX-like systems, they normally go to /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin . webdriver']. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. This way, the tests/suiteA. Example : pybot -d C:\Work\Robot SampleTest. Mar 8, 2023 · I'm trying to access a specific child of a stored WebElement using robot framework and python. *** Variables *** Section Variables which are defined in the *** Variables *** section are available in all test cases and keywords in the same file. I would also like the following kind of directory structure for the robot framework tests: Root directory. edf’ from a directory in robot framework? ${Path} = Set Variable C:/Data_Batchs_EDF @{files}= List Files In Directory ${Path} This code gives all the files. You can also use ${OUTPUT FILE} if you need the full path to the output file. Jan 31, 2024 · Hi Gal, You can set the Output directory as a command line option, you can use os level variables to define the folder name and robot will create it for you. . 5 Virtual environments Python virtual environments allow Python packages to be installed in an isolated location for a particular system or application, rather than installing all packages Feb 8, 2022 · Greetings. $ python3. Sep 4, 2018 · This is a piece of code that I use: ${chromeOptions} = Evaluate sys. in your robot file ${browser} is lower case, so make it the same on the command line like this: robot --variable browser:headless_chrome 0Testing\Test\mytest. 0. 12. This page summarizes the most important information about variables in Robot Framework. I would also like the following kind of directory structure for the robot framework tests: Root directory Libraries Library. In order to make this work, the directory containing the python executable must be in the PATH, a so-called environment variable that contains directories that are automatically used for searching executables when you enter a command. I manage to rename the file, I would like to add additional today’s date after the naming. Why is the . robot’ failed: File or directory to execute does not exist”. Sep 30, 2024 · Also even though it shouldn’t matter, can we also keep the variables with the same case, i. It is being run on a Windows 11 PC with PyCharm IDE and the target is my Raspberry Pi 3B. Mar 22, 2018 · You can use a script to generate command line arguments for Robot Framework using the Reading argument files from standard input functionality. So when Download button is clicked in incognito mode than Windows Save As dialogue box opens and making an attempt to save a file on my Desktop’s Download folder. 2 the parsing APIs have been rewritten, so the answer from Bryan Oakley won't work on these versions anymore. Below issue may be simple but I am unable to solve it my directory structure is like below |A| > B >C. Both the Target VM and the robot container is running on a linux host. 1: 1643: 9 January 2024 Aug 7, 2018 · How to get the current URL in Robot framework? 1. py[PythonVer]. xml. I've tried using a prerunmodifier with Suitevisitor (similar to this thread) but that doesn't stop the tests from executing afterwards. robot. I have tried Get Attribute Oct 23, 2023 · I am working on an automation project which requires me to switch between browser tabs. Resource. Trick is to end the targeted directory with / (use ${/} for platform indepenent, say C:${/}temp${/} to tell C:/temp/ on windows, anyway linux example given below) Mar 17, 2017 · Robot Framework provides several automatic variables that can be used on your Robot-Tests. I could create "Load Test Data" as a Python library if necessary. I have a custom library that needs to load an additional file from within a keyword method. Apr 25, 2017 · Robot FrameWork - Get Current Date Issue - No keyword with name '=' found. C:\Users\PavelSaman, so you can just get its value in RF and append \Donwloads to it. However, after login if you click on any random element on the browser and then try GET LOCATION you will get the desired URL. 3 on win32) 1. All logs will be saved in C:\Work\Robot Starting from Robot Framework 2. but I need just the files with the extension ‘. My testcase is running in C. ' are not returned. txt Jan 8, 2021 · Please note that if options string contains backslash, example a Windows OS path, the backslash needs escaping both in Robot Framework data and in Python side. Script path/to/testsuites The actual Robot Framework code is in a directory named robot. May 29, 2020 · If you do a --dryrun you will have all assigned tags at the statistics. Oct 23, 2024 · Hi Dave, i’m not running the test locally but remote. 2 and up: In RobotFramework 3. Is there an option to specify this within the . Nov 19, 2019 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Apr 20, 2016 · Subject: How to get and set the default output directory in Robot Framework(Ride) in Run time Hi All, I want to get and store the robot framework results into separate directory/folder based on timestamp. In log. 2 versions is the following: $ python3. Update: RF script sample which works for me: May 5, 2017 · # get the last member of the split ${the name}= Set Variable @{the name}[-1] Log To Console ${the name} # prints testsuitename in your example P. robot” for example, the directory in that variable that’s passed to renode has all the backslashes stripped out. May 11, 2022 · ${paths} = List Directory ${directory} Test_*. How time is returned is is deternined based on the given 'format' string as follows. Robot Framework does not allow strings to be used as lists, but other iterable objects such as tuples or dictionaries are accepted. Basically we could allow using it with paths like Test_*. However, right now I have an issue with calendar function. 5 Virtual environments Python virtual environments allow Python packages to be installed in an isolated location for a particular system or application, rather than installing all Feb 26, 2017 · I'm trying to get the path of test files given to pybot via the command line in the python code: I tried: from robot. Dec 30, 2019 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Feb 10, 2019 · Every time you upload a file, you provide the full file path; in your case, specify "C:\\TestData\\file. ~/robot is expanded to C:\Users\<user>\robot on Windows and /home/<user>/robot on Unixes. Aug 14, 2019 · How to set the default download directory in Robot Framework while working in Jenkins. Sep 9, 2018 · I need to test that the current date is displayed on my device, The date on the device is in format Monday, September 9, 2018 but when i try to test it i can only use the format Monday, 09, 2018 wh Feb 26, 2017 · Does a keyword Get Current Date exist in standard RF lib? There is a builtin keyword called Get Time instead. Mar 11, 2021 · Using ${EXECDIR} maps to the current working directory when Robot Framework is executing, so, it's possible that it points to different places and having a default is a bit odd. Sep 23, 2021 · Well, when you use / you do not need //. Aug 5, 2015 · If you are on a browser page after the robot tests open an authenticated URL (say google auth etc. To use Get Current Date you need to import DateTime library first. Select From List by Value ${day_of_the_week} How can I get the Current day in Robot Framework? Is there a simple solution to my Problem? The best would be a variable that gives me the current day in german Language. However, I do not know how to write my tests so they can access my library and May 29, 2014 · The easiest thing is to tell robot where you want the file to be, then you don't have to figure it out. ['A Name', 'Second', 'a lower case name', 'one more']. 1, Running on Windows Subsystem for Linux) I want to create a python library with a 0 argument function that my custom Robot Framework keywords can call. robot that you import in all your robot tests, this main. Jan 11, 2024 · Specify output directory within the test case. 7 on win32) 1. – Jun 13, 2017 · Hi, I want to type a path into the browser “Save As” dialog. Robot will not set PYTHONPATH unless you tell it to. txt ; test_2. But It gives that no element has been found. txt; Or something along those lines. This central project is required for all the other testcases to run. in the path means "one directory up". [box_1] show ethernet show adjacency show log [box_2] run ethernet run adjacency show log I need to write a robot file, where if it encounters [box_1], it will r def get_time(format='timestamp', time_=None): """Return the given or current time in requested format. 10. I’m not sure if you need to create the folder first or if robot framework will create it, my scripts all seem to create the folder first before running robot. I can get current path using ${CURDIR}(A/B/C). Browser. edf’ from a directory in robot framework? ${Path} = Set Variable C:/Data_Batchs_EDF @{files}= List Files In Directory ${Path} This code gives all &hellip; Jun 8, 2023 · To elaborate on what @HelioGuilherme66 said, robot is complaining it can’t find a file or folder called test_ssh_rf_demo. Library. Robot Framework runner scripts are created and copied into another platform-specific location. There is a huge community of contributors around the tool. To accomplish it, I'm using Get Current Date keyword from DateTime Library and store it to the scalar ${datetime} on the script $ python3. Documentation explains how to format output. C:\\Windows\\Temp\\RIDExf4xla. Robot Framework is open source and supported by Robot Framework Foundation. To create a folder named as the current time and set that as the output directory, something like this can be done: Feb 28, 2017 · Now I want to select the current weekday from a list. 11-m robot--version Robot Framework 7. Create a list and pass it to the keyword. It needs to know the absolute path of the file where the keyword is defined, and the Dec 19, 2017 · Robot Framework running the interpretation will throw an exception for invalid number of arguments. 5 Virtual environments Python virtual environments allow Python packages to be installed in an isolated location for a particular system or application, rather than installing all packages Jun 19, 2017 · How can I get the absolute path of a file deep within a directory? Does {2,-2} exist in the group structure of Z? In common law marriage jurisdictions, how does the law view a divorced couple who continue cohabiting? Dec 16, 2019 · I'd like to get a list of all the paths to the testsuites. Mar 6, 2022 · I tried setting the default download directory, ${DOWNLOAD_DIR} contains the current working directory. Only when using \ you need \\. 3. Robot Framework. Please provide the solution Ex: If I ran the test script for particular site with w&hellip; Jun 30, 2021 · List Files In Directory; Get Modified Time; Create new folder with current time under the results folder. e. *** Settings *** Documentation Robot Framework test Mar 28, 2014 · Basically, what would the equivalent of "Get Test Case Name" be? If it can't be done easily using Robot Framework keywords, I don't mind getting my hands dirty with Python. webdriver ${prefs} = Create Dictionary download. I’ve ran the example project that comes with the PythonRemoteServer and it does work $ python3. Dec 19, 2019 · Does Robot automatically import directories(current and sub directory) where you run your robot file? No, the only thing it automatically imports are the built-in keywords. ' and '. If I log the {CURDIR} variable from within the running script, it correctly logs the directory that contains the running . Could someone please let me know what could be wrong here May 17, 2023 · Hi, I am using RPA. I will be covering many apps within the same automation repo, for example: WebApp1 May 21, 2016 · This is documented in the robot framework user guide, in the section titled Automatic Variables. py MyTestSuite\ __init__. Jun 4, 2024 · I already read this:How to click on download of pdf and save inside browser windw in robot framrwork So I have a print form to a pdf button, and want to save that pdf for further comparisons in the same testcase. You can still define the ${EXECDIR} to point to a different place using the robot. robot Lets see if you still get the File or directory to execute does not exist. So I would like to read the file name in which I am curren Telling Robot Framework where to search libraries, resource and variable files Robot Framework searches for libraries, resource and variable files in. First, I am quite fresh beginner to use Browser Library and the second, I am also fresh in Testing Automation. Mar 16, 2024 · Hello everyone! I’m very new here. ChromeOptions() sys, selenium. exe to a robot. to. Example, Windows path: "C:\path\to\profile" must be written as "C:\\\\path\\\to\\\\profile". Nov 20, 2018 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. I need to copy over a file size ~3GB to my device thus i use SSHLibrary Put File command - and for now /data/test/ contains only test data which can/will be cleared - so my current solution where i just rm -f all files in /data/test using Execute Command is working fine. 11. txt test_2. You signed in with another tab or window. vqnuy wmqgka romeh wnwr aldcw pyohvw hhb lguwwv bjlkbxf oswd ywxa nyph wcrjtoy hehyirh pzbmp