Delaware county sheriff phone number. Current Inmate Listing – Delaware County Jail.

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Delaware county sheriff phone number. gov: Clermont County Sheriff's Office Steve Leahy - Sheriff.

Delaware county sheriff phone number 101. Erie County Sheriff's Office 10 Delaware Ave. Your Phone Number. Mr. Mail John F. The Sheriff's Office is committed to About Delaware County Sheriff's Office. The office comprises 58 full-time officers who work diligently to protect and serve the community. Address. 8 miles. us Public Records Requests – With so few reviews, your opinion of Delaware County Sheriff's Office could be huge. Term Expires. Delaware County, OH 911 - DELCOMM, Delaware, Ohio. 5 stars. They have also set up fraudulent phone numbers and voicemails. Please enter a valid phone number. 700 W. 201 West Front Street, Media, PA Contact Us. Current Inmate Listing – Delaware County Jail. Agencies; Career Opportunities; The phone number is 610-422-7053 ext. If in an emergency Dial 911. Skip to Primary Content. Sheriff Public Records Request. 4 reviews. Property Tax & Records. Our Location The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office has received reports regarding scam phone calls originating from unknown phone numbers, or possibly a spoofed number, appearing to be from the Sheriff’s office. Warnke Sheriff / Coroner. 301 E Main Street Manchester, IA 52057 The members of the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office are dedicated to serving the law enforcement needs of the community in which we work and live. Fax: 610-891-1765 Below are some of the most commonly called services at the Sheriff’s Office. Delaware County Jail & Sheriff Services Records Inmate Searches, Jail & Prison Records, Inmate Records Visit the Delaware County Sheriff's Office Inmate Lookup: This official web portal is your starting point for conducting an inmate search. 1911 THIS ACCOUNT IS Looking for Delaware County Sheriff's Office inmates, records & auctions? Quickly find Sheriff phone number, directions & services (Muncie, IN). 5th Street Jay, OK 74346. Provides Civil service process, and sells real estate in accordance with the Delaware Code Phone: 302-744-2300 The Sheriff's Office is seeking the public's help in locating 42-year-old female Chelsea Hutchins. Board of Supervisors. We strive to eradicate criminal activity and conditions that have a detrimental impact upon public safety. In the most recent case the caller used the name “Captain Walker. Delaware County Sheriff's Office Forms. The Delaware County Sheriff's Office currently has inmates in custody. Phone 918-253-4531. You will need the inmate’s identification number to be able to deposit money on the account of the inmate. Front St. Delaware County, Indiana Discover Delaware County - an east central Indiana community of opportunity Phone: (765) 747-7878; Fax: (765) 747-7775; Staff Directory; Office Hours: 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week; In this Department. org: 1 (800) 392-STOP (7867) Non-Emergency Dispatch (936) 538-5900: Fingerprinting: mcsofingerprints Shortly after the organization of the county Sheriff Mobley Meadows secured a building that had been used as a furniture warehouse, real-estate office and dwelling, for a temporary court house! Manuel De Leon. 02. The official website of Delaware County, Indiana. Inmates. 368. Children and Youth Services Telephone: 610-713-2000 Counseling, advocacy and services for abused and neglected children. Emergency: 911 Main Line (non-emergency): 918. Courthouse, Room 101. Wilmington Fire Marshals Office ALL DOCUMENTS CONCERNING THE SHERIFF’S SALES OF REAL ESTATE MUST BE FILED ON THE FOLLOWING DATES BY NO LATER THAN 4:30 PM. Information for the deaf and hearing impaired community of Jacksonville. Sandusky St. Public Calls For Service (2023) 0. 327 S 5th St, Jay, OK Commissioner District 2; Commissioner District 3; County Assessor; County Clerk; County Sheriff; County Treasurer; Court Clerk; District Judge; Departments Phone; Alarms (936) 760-5830: Cadet Academy: mcsocadet@mctx. Virtual Probate Appointments: 610-891-4110. File Room: OJSfileroom@co. Tax Certifications claiming that taxes are paid/unpaid for current year county taxes are now combined with county, school district and municipality delinquent taxes. Skip over navigation. Meet Our Team Get to know Us. Directory listing of e-mail, phone numbers and other contact information for various units of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff's Office has 45 days to conduct an investigation to determine an individual's eligibility to be issued a license. Welcome to Delaware County's Court of Common Pleas 32nd Judicial District for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 7 miles Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. , is responsible for law enforcement within Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Fax requests are always accepted at 610-891-4812. 610-891-8614. The Delaware County Sheriff's office issues Firearms licenses. Orange County Sheriff's Regional Training Academy. MARCH 27. About the Sheriff's Office. Phone Numbers. Kaitsa served in a number of state and county senior management positions. Assessor (765) 747-7710. , 5th Floor Wilmington, DE 19801 Phone: 302-395-8450 Fax: 302-395-8460 ; Scott Phillips Sheriff Public Safety Building. The Sheriff of Delaware County is Jerry L. S. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 We have received multiple reports of phone scams where individuals are impersonating as Berks County Sheriff employees. Learn more about some of the officers of your Elkhart County Sheriff Office. He retired early from the USMS to join Sheriff Russ Martin at the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office in 2016, where he was a Chief Deputy with numerous Phone: 765-747-7870 Fax: 765-741-8430. 201 West Front Street, Delaware County, presently consisting of over 184 square miles divided into forty-nine municipalities is Delaware County Controller 201 West Front Street Media, PA 19063. us/jtlist/ A searchable list of current inmates, including their names Kent County Courthouse. Contact information, including address, phone number, and fax number, for the Delaware County Sheriff's Office in Delaware, Ohio. English. The jail’s roster is online and includes inmates’ names, numbers, booking and release dates, and bond amount. Kent County Courthouse 414 Federal Street Dover, DE 19901 Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 A. Search. Separated from the state of Pennsylvania by the Delaware River, Delaware County is the largest and most western of the four counties in the Catskill Mountains. Andrea Botterbusch: 302-395-8002 302-540-7560 (News Media Use Only) Email Public Information Officer, S/Cpl. Deadline: Phone: 610-891-4296. List of Courts. Main Number: (302) 735-1900 TDD Number: (302) 739-1587 (Deaf or hard of hearing ONLY) Mailing Address: Superior Court 38 Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. 610-566-3256. KENT COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE FEES. New Castle County Sheriff's Office North French Street, Wilmington, DE - 40. Department NamePhone NumberAdministration-Archives 302-744 Delaware County Sheriff’s Office. Jerry L. New Castle, DE 19720 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Phone: (717) 780-6590 Fax: 717-780-6557 The Dauphin County Sheriff's Department is an arm of the Court. The scammers may represent themselves as a County employee. Hutchins left her residence in Delaware County sometime in early November of 2024. Contact Us; RTK Request Form ; Delaware County Sheriff 201 W. PCSO Main Facilities: 7101 De Castro Rd Winter Contact the Craig County Sheriff's Office in Oklahoma for assistance or inquiries. O. Helpful Links. Filter by rating. Download the CRIMEWATCH app and follow Delaware County Sheriff's Office . The County Administrative Offices building is located at 2 The Circle, Georgetown, DE. The Green, Dover, DE - 0. Delaware Ste. Delaware County Sheriff's Office 24K followers Kern County Sheriff's Office 1350 Norris Road Bakersfield, CA 93308-2231 E-Mail addresses. org (936) 760-7867: Crash Reports: 844-CRIS-HLP: Crime Stoppers: crime. Contact. Learn More. Warrants Cleared (2023) 0. 253. The current Sheriff is Tony Skinner and Jeff Stanley Public Information Officers Contact Information is for News Media and Interview Use Only- Any Police Matters Should be Directed to 911 or the Non-Emergency Phone Number : Public Information Officer, Sgt. us. Billing Questions Phone (740) 833-2103. (System Identification Number) Visit the Magistrate’s Office Search Website; Call Central Filing at 210-335-2238 (Misdemeanor Records) Users who need accessibility assistance can also contact us by phone through the Federal Delaware County Sheriff’s Office. SheriffGonzalez@Sheriff. French St. 4296 Contact Information: County Sheriff: Robert Lee: Address: Sussex County Sheriff Office P. Phone: 662-469-8000 Contact Us; Quick Links. Miami-Dade Sheriff Fred Taylor Headquarters 9105 NW 25th Street, Doral, FL 33172 305-4-POLICE The same is true for every other police, fire and EMS agency listed in the telephone book. Fax: 610-891-1765 The mission of the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office is to protect and serve the citizens of our county. The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office operates the local jail. Email requests are always accepted at Looking for Delaware County Sheriffs Office inmates, records & auctions? Quickly find Sheriff phone number, directions & services (Media, PA). U. 4470 State Route 222 Batavia, OH 45103 Clermont County Delaware County Phone number: 740-833-2810 Fax number: 740-833-2809 sheriffinfo@co. 00. Recorder (765) 747-7804. Patterson Sheriff Vernon H. The Sheriff, elected to a four-year term, oversees the transporting of prisoners from the Dauphin County Prison to the Courthouse, securing the interior of the courtroom, and serving court papers. ” Quickly find Sheriff phone number, directions & services (Media, PA). Current Inmate Listing - Delaware County Jail. Efiling: delcoefile@co. Jerry L. Sheriff Helicopter Announcements to Phone. Duffy Administrative Center PO Box 939062 San Diego, CA 92193-9062 Text to 9-1-1 is now available in San Diego County This includes the Sheriff's Office, all police and fire/Emergency Phone: 610-891-4370. Petition to Postpone and/or Continue Sheriff’s Sale pursuant to Pa. 0 miles The office enforces fire codes, investigates fires, and provides public education on fire safety. Third Emergency Order Extension The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office Jail Division consists of 58 full-time Officers. 3 stars. Agendas & Minutes. Tax Certifications are available from this office for a fee of $25. Office (765) 747-7885 | Dispatch (765) 747-7878 HOME Phone; Erie County Sheriff's Office Sheriff John C. It doesn’t not include mugshots. 4500 Orange Grove Avenue Sacramento, CA 95841 Non-Emergency: 916-874-5115 TDD Non-Emergency: 916-874-7128 Delaware County Sheriff’s Office. C. Website Sign In phone Patrol (949) 425-1800 / Investigations (949)425-1900. Working for the residents of Delaware County. 3601 North DuPont Highway. net. PLEASE NOTE: we are experiencing a large backlog of requests, but we WILL respond to you. In order to receive a bidder number, DE 19720 Phone: 302-395-5555. R. to 4:30 P. 1225 W Howard Street in Manchester IA 52057 Phone number: (563) Phone number: (563) 927-3505 /County Shop: (563) 927-3700 / After Hours Calls:(563) 927-3135 or 911 . org (936) 538-7733: Citizen's Academy: mcsocpa@mctx. Fax. Inmate Information. Inmate search includes inmate links, charges, and booking information. Please use the form Contact for questions about: situations under the jurisdiction of the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office; the Delaware County Jail. The Harris County Sheriff's Office, founded in 1837, is the largest sheriff's office in Texas and the third Report a Crime to the Elkhart County Sheriff's Office and help keep our county safe. Delaware County Jail Inmate Listing https://sheriff. The official phone number for the Delaware County SherifF Pistol Permit Division 280 Phoebe Lane – Suite 1Delhi, NY 13753 V: 607-832-5461F: 607-832-6052Email Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PMMonday – Friday (Except Holidays) Pistol Clerk – Tammy Wagner AnnouNcements FYI How Can We Help Permit Process Information, Procedures, and Responsibilities Promote Gun Safety Responsible Firearm Here are a few of the most commonly called services at the Sheriff’s Office. Aliso Viejo Police Services. 610-891-4441. 9 miles. Main Office Phone. The Delaware County Sheriff's Office, led by Sheriff Jerry L. 1 star. 19, 2021, and March 19, 2021 Sheriff's Real Estate Sales. us: Erie County Sheriff's Office The official website of Delaware County, Indiana. Mar. Deputy Sheriffs are responsible for the security and protection of citizens as follows: If your tip concerns a current crime, do not use our tip form, call 911 or a deputy at (918) 253-4531. The VINE toll-free number for the Oklahoma VINE system is 877-654-8463. County Administrator. Sheriffs Office Delaware Sheriff Office. The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office is committed to improving community relations and strengthening the relationship between MCSO and the Latino community. Hearing Impaired Assistance. Sheriff Sanders was elected to a four year term in November of 2017. Richard Chambers: 302-395-8003 Harris County Sheriff's Office 1200 Baker Street Houston, TX 77002 9-1-1 Emergency (713) 221-6000 Non-emergency (713) 755-5300 Incarcerated Person Information (346) 286-1600 Information Line. 5739 (fax) delawareclerk@oscn. Get Directions. Latest news. 00. Deputy Sheriffs are responsible for the security and protection of citizens as follows: s Office has an Extradition Unit for the retrieval of fugitives who are captured out of state to return them to Delaware County for adjudication. Sussex County Sheriff's Office; Kent County Sheriff's Office; ThePublicIndex The Sheriff’s Office provides a wide range of services to the county and its residents. oh. Submitting a tip to Delaware County Investigators can be anonymous or you can request to be Contact the Delaware County Sheriff's Office in Oklahoma for assistance or inquiries. Enter the Required Information: Input the inmate's last name or first name. Sheriff Sales Procedures (PDF, KENT COUNTY SHERIFF. 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM. Fraud Hotline. 0. ADA Coordinators. We work FOR the people. 22nd Street Merced, CA 95340 Phone: (209) 385-7445 Video Visitation Suspension Appeal/Apelación de suspensión de visitas en vídeo. Chief Deputy – Follow Delaware County Sheriff's Office . Sheriff Divisions. Sheriff's Effective July 30, 2018, Delaware County is pleased to offer electronic filing ( E-Filing) and payment of filing fees through the Office of Judicial Support- Civil Division case management system. Upcoming Events. Garcia: 10 Delaware Ave. We could not find who you were looking for or may be in the process The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office strives to be as transparent and accessible as possible. 06/28/2022 - 9:54 am. stoppers@mctx. 18 Find New Castle New Castle County Sheriff's Office arrest records, mugshots, bookings and criminal datamore. org Phone Numbers More Telephone Numbers Air Support: (661) 391-7500. Background Check and Fingerprinting. The Craig County Sheriff's Office is located on the first floor of the Craig County Courthouse. 201 West Front Street, Media, PA 19063 8:30AM - 4:30PM Monday - Friday 610-891-4000 See who's in jail at the Delaware County Justice Center. Feb. Agendas The official website of Delaware County, Indiana. Surveyor (765) 747-7806. Contact Us. Browse personnel listings using the navigation below or search for an individual by using the search function. Visit the Delaware County Sherriff's Office at the link below: Quickly find Sheriff phone number, directions & services (Jay, OK). co. us All sales are held in the Kent County Levy Court, 555 Bay Road, Dover DE 19901, Chamber - Room 203. Date of Fax number: 937-328-2515 sheriff@clarkcountyohio. We’ve Moved! Fingerprinting is now located in the new Sheriff’s Office headquarters: 1776 State Route 521, Delaware, OH 43015 Social Security Number (just the number, no card needed) You need to know whether you require BCI fingerprints, FBI fingerprints – or both; A BURN BAN HAS BEEN SET IN DELAWARE COUNTY FROM 8:30 A. 256 SAN DIEGO COUNTY SHERIFF BY THE NUMBERS. The Delaware County Sheriff's Office, led by Sheriff Jeffrey Balzer, is responsible for upholding law and order in Delaware County, Ohio. Overall rating. Para la conveniencia de los usuarios, este sitio web del Condado de Orange usa el servicio gratuito de traducción de The suggested phone number to make contact with the Bureau for payment is (610) 891-4284. Animal Services. Delaware County Sheriff Information. need help Can we provide you with assistance? I’m Ready. Robinson was turned over to Delaware County Sheriff's Deputies where he was then subsequently arrested on the Bench Warrant. 201 West Front Street, About Delaware County. Sheriff's Office News. Quickly find Sheriff phone number, directions & services (Dover, DE). 3,843 likes · 5 talking about this · 93 were here. 23,047 likes · 1,840 talking about this. Sanders, Jr. Wilmington Fire Marshals Office North French Street, Wilmington, DE - 0. 891. Money is no longer inmate# first name middle name last name booking date scheduled release date total bond amount Delaware County Sheriff’s Office. Kent County Sheriff's Office South Bay Road, Dover, DE - 40. The Court of Common Pleas located in the historic courthouse has had a long rich history of serving the residents of Delaware County. 91 N. One such program is the Citizens Academy, a free, Physical Address: City/County Building 800 N. County Council. Start your review today. 101 Vinita, OK 74301. While we can’t change the past, we can learn from it, and make Maricopa County a better place for New Castle County General Number: 302-395-5555; New Castle County Non-Emergency: 302-573-2800; New Castle County Register of Wills, Ciro Poppiti: 302-395-7800; Sewer Emergency Hotline: 302-395-5700; Sheriff, Trinidad Navarro: 302-395-8450; State of Delaware, Division of Aging DE 19720 Phone: 302-395-5555. Courts. Buffalo, New York, 14202 (716) 858-7618: Erie County Sheriff's Office Erie County Sheriff's Office 10 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14202. View all events. 7 miles. Delaware County Legal Assistance Program can be contacted at (610) 874-8421 or 1-855-879-3100. Main Number (non-emergency): (918) 253-4531 option 1; Administrative office: (918) 253-2700 ; Delaware County Sheriff's Office 327 S. Academia de Alguacil (Sheriff's Spanish Academy) Automated License Plate Readers (ALPR) Policy; Look up other department phone numbers. Council Districts. 2 stars. Sheriff Donny Youngblood sheriff@kernsheriff. delaware. The Bexar County Sheriff's Office does not take payment by phone, nor will we accept payment to avoid arrest. Attend a Contact information for Miami-Dade Sheriff's Office. Payroll Department - 484-214-5390 (If transferred from within the On Tuesday, March 4th, 2025, Delaware County Sheriff's Deputies were contacted by the Oneonta Police Department who had Robinson in custody on separate charges. Sheriff's Offices in Delaware. This link will take Delaware County Sheriff's Office. Sussex County Sheriff's Office PO Box 589, Georgetown, DE - 32. Let’s Go. Phone: 610-891 Quickly find Sheriff phone number, directions & services (Delaware, OH). in. Media, PA 19063. The Delaware County Sheriff's Office, located in Jay, Oklahoma, is responsible for upholding law and order within Delaware County. If you need something not listed, please contact the Public Information Officer at (740) 833-2817 or e-mail: sheriffinfo@co. Phone 765-747-7885 Fax 765-741-3391. pa. Please enter a valid email address. Phone: 610-891-4296. Fax: 610-891-1765. 15991 Armstrong Avenue Tustin, CA 92782 United States. The Sheriff’s Office provides a wide range of services to the county and its residents. M. Looking for Sheriffs Department, Corrections Center inmates, records & auctions? Find Delaware County Sheriffs Office phone number, directions & services. Complete this form and click SUBMIT to request a copy of a Report. Zoning Delaware County Courthouse . Delaware, OH 43015. About please contact our office at the above-listed numbers during normal business hours. phone (714) 566-2700. Kent County Sheriffs Department The Green, Dover, DE - 40. Ensure you have the correct spelling of the inmate's name to retrieve accurate results. 610-891-4296. 201 West Front Street, Media, PA 19063; 8:30AM - 4:30PM Monday - Friday ; 610-891-4000; webmaster@co Phone Number; San Antonio Police Non-Emergency: 210-207-7273: Bexar County Sheriff's Office Non-Emergency: 210-335-6000: Texas Department of Public Safety: 210-531-1000: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: 1-800-792-1112: San Antonio Park Police: 210-207-8590: San Antonio Code Compliance: 311: Important Numbers; Open Records Request; Frequently Asked Questions; Select Page. fax. Upon arrival to the jail, you will check-in with the For general information about the County Administration or County Services please call 302-744-2300, for all other departments please refer to the Department Listing below. gov: Clermont County Sheriff's Office Steve Leahy - Sheriff. For each property to be sold there is a handbill posted in the Sheriff's Office at the Delaware County Court House and an advertisement in the local newspaper where the property is situated and will appear once a week for the three weeks before the sale. Physical Address: Kent County Levy Court Administrative Complex. Products. (phone) 918. Administrative Offices Location: 1776 State Route 521, We recommend that all individuals call the main number at 610-891-4400 and follow the prompts. Downloadable PDF (PDF, 80KB) Phone: 302-744-2300. Delaware County Sheriff's Office Services Records Other Sheriff Departments Nearby. P 3132; Phone: 610-891-4370. If you need something not listed, please contact the Public Information Officer at (740) 833-2817 or e-mail: Email Sheriff Tony Skinner Directly: tskinner@co. Phone: 740-833-2810 (Non-Emergency) Fax: 740-833-2809; They are also reachable online: The Delaware County Sheriff's Office hosts a number of community outreach programs. What are the steps to get a PFA? To file, you must: to your local Police or Sheriff's Department for service. 610-891-1765. phone. org (936) 760-5859: Careers: mcsocareers@mctx. Phone number; Email Address; Street address . Services. For general information about the County Administrative Offices or County services, please call (302) 855-7700. Call us at 918-256-6466 or visit our website for more contact options. All of the NON-EMERGENCY numbers listed are answered here at the 9-1-1 Center. Phone number (740) 833-2800. The mailing address is PO Box 589, Georgetown, DE 19947. The office's Records Division is open from 7 am to 11 pm, Monday through Friday, and can be reached at (740)203-1100, option 3. 210 W. 6 miles. All Bidders must register prior to the start of the New Castle County Sheriff Sale to be eligible to bid. gov. Arrest Records: (661) 391 Kent County and State of Delaware Adopted Codes; Bids, RFPs and RFQs Currently listed requests for bids, Sheriff's Office The Sherriff's Office serves Kent County by performing functions for the Delaware Courts and U. He currently oversees the Operations section of the office. Aaron Rosenberg Operations Captain. 1,467 square miles of beauty Don’t Just Take Our Word For It. Delaware County, presently consisting of over 184 square miles divided into forty-nine municipalities is the oldest settled section of Pennsylvania. Auditor (765) 747-7717. The office provides various services, including complaint filing, inmate account deposits, and general law enforcement The official website of Delaware County, Indiana. Box 948 Georgetown, DE 19947: Phone (302) 855-7830: Fax (302) 855-7832 Looking for Delaware County Jail & Sheriff inmates, mugshots & criminal records? Quickly find Jail & Prison phone number, directions & records (Jay, OK). These scammers may use threats of arrest, fines or legal action and will ask you for money when they reach you. Whenever a person is arrested in Delaware County that person is brought to the Delaware County Jail for incarceration. hctx. Fax (740) 833-2099. Phone: 305-471-2085 Fax: 305-471-2046 Email: [email protected] Miami-Dade County Sheriff. 201 W. Toggle navigation. 4 stars. Polk County Sheriff’s Phone# 863-298-6200. sheriff@erie. Report a Crime. Stay informed and safe by subscribing to the San Diego County Sheriff's Office Newsletter. MARCH 13 UNTIL 8:30 A. Then what difference does it make whether I call 9-1-1 or the 7-digit number? Delaware County Emergency Communications has an "Enhanced" 9-1-1 system. 01. Sheriff's Office. ADA Coordinator for the Department of Corrections Corrections Sergeant T. Berks County Sheriff's Office phone number is . He retired from Westerville in February of 2018 and was then hired to be one of the Chief Deputies of the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office. Delaware County, Indiana Discover Delaware County - an east central Indiana community of opportunity Sheriff's Office (765) 747-7885. Get the details of Jon Scowden's business profile including email address, phone number, work history and more. Delaware County Emergency Communications | Delaware County, Ohio | 740. County Office of Services for the Aging Delaware County Sheriff’s Office Phone: 610. Common Pleas – (740) 833-2530 or 2550 . For case specific information, contact: Municipal Court – (740) 203-1550. . Changed. About Us. Sheriff - Tony Skinner Chief Deputy - Jeff Stanley.