Harry potter marriage contract fanfiction weasley bashing. Chapter 2 – The Marriage Contract.
Harry potter marriage contract fanfiction weasley bashing " Disclaimer, If I owned Harry Potter I would never have brought Ron Weasley back into DH after he deserted the hero and heroine. Next… I, Harry James Potter, claim the Life Debt of Arthur Micha Weasley. H/Hr fic. " Armbash read, then with a snap of his fingers two scrolls appeared in front of him. Harry was neglected. Upon opening his eyes, they widened in horror. Harry James Potter - Born 31st July 1980. Ginny was in year in Hogwarts and it was obvious that all Ginny talked about was Quidditch and how she will be Mrs. Thanks to Slytherinsal and Madie080802 for their help on the story. Weasley – that the parties can abrogate any other betrothals or annul any other marriages that Harry and his betrothed may enter into, it does not mention these other Contracts and even if it did the law says they can't have the authority to interfere with Harry Does Different Zzzze 12/25/17. oOo. "I am Harry Potter's mother you piss-poor excuse of a man!" Sirius let out his bark-like laugh at the overweight Weasley mother. What Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley don't know, their lives are about to change. Sirius Black dies in a dementor attack in Harry's third year. "You knew the Harry Potter who was terrified he was going to die. Harry saw Mr. Whether the rest of the courtroom was simply surprised, shocked into silence by the brashness of the declaration, or aghast at the possibility of seeing their "national hero" (a title which still had the power to cause Harry to shake his head in disbelief, given the shots he had Oct 1, 2019 · Harry Potter was perfectly content lying against the soft breasts of Daphne Greengrass, but he knew there were things that needed to happen before midnight. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,670 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 68 - Updated: 4/16/2023 - Published A faint glow of magic surrounded the contract. Harry was forgotten. It's the end of 1st term during Harry's 8th year, Harry is tormented by feelings he doesn't understand as he watches Hermione with Ron. (HarryxDaphne) Harry arrived at Pembroke College early the next morning. Interesting thing was that Ginny Weasley had cheated on Harry Potter. , Ginny W. " Harry watched as the contract burned up. This is my response to the whole 'Marriage Contract' craze from a few years back - highlighting just how bad things can go wrong. Talk to you two later,' Sirius and Harry hugged the twins, snarled at Ron, Ginny and Hermione before leaving the shop. She was going to have to go to a ball with Harry Potter! All she could say was: "Shit. Harry is different from what anyone expecting and he holds a few secrets. Warnings: Slash, Weasley bashing (mostly Ron, Molly and Ginny), Mpreg (duh!), multiple partners (well we have to make it fun) Notes: Good helpful Severus, Good friend Draco, Useful Minerva (really she does do something useful), Hermine does not end up with Ron. Harry had heard nothing from his friends, his family, anyone for a month, trapped in the hands of the Dursleys with no way out. I'm not done. In order to solidify our position in the Light, we must appear truly committed. (Potter-Black) Astoria Greengrass. The Greengrass Contract by christianr. , Hermione G. 'Thanks, there's a lot I can't talk about just yet. ALL RIGHTS TO JKR! Dec 10, 2013 · Tony was acting strange for over a year. They began pouring over various texts in the section that was restricted to faculty only and after several hours, they both sat there, frustrated that they had yet to learn anything about any of the magical creatures that was not readily available in textbooks through Dec 4, 2019 · But now, as he prepares to go with the Weasley's to the QWC, he learns from Dumbledore, that not only does he also have a godmother, but his parents also placed him in a betrothal marriage contract with a girl. AN Marriage Contracts: Fleur Delacour. Henry and Gwen had arrived back in Potter manor where they found Remus teaching Harry a spell. Set during Fourth Year. Narcissa Malfoy Black and Lily Potter) Delphini Black. "The first scroll is an adoption contract, all you need to do is sign it and you will legally become Harry Potter-Black. Harry Potter went to a comprehensive school in Little Whinging, Surrey. " The Weasley's and Dumbledore were shocked into silence at that announcement. Chapter 1 and 2 have been updated! "Now, Aunt Nancy, Lord Greengrass, I respectfully ask to contract a marriage between myself Harry James Potter-Black and your daughter Daphne Greengrass to have her as my Lady Black. The changes are minor, but I believe make for a better story. Daphne Lenora Greengrass - Born 27th May 1980. (HarryxDaphne) Harry picked up Severus' hand then slipped the Potter ring onto Severus long slender finger, like Harry's, it warmed before resizing to fit. Nor do I own any part of the two songs, or the clips from said songs. So I definitely am not JK Rowling. I also felt you all deserved another chapter. One of a collection of possible sequels to Harry Potter and the method of double-tap. AU Harry could see the surprised looks on the three Weasley faces but they kept quiet, like Harry asked. Weasley standing on the entrance. Rated M for language. This particular fic does have a little Ron, Ginny and Viktor Krum bashing. And Ron, the Boy Who Lived, is still Ron. Weasley wore a reluctant look; Mrs. (Potter-Delacour) Daphne Greengrass. Characters are likely to be OOC. Rated M for language, violence, and sexual situations. A Manipulation Fanfic. This clause shall be retroactive. Dumbledore, Dursley and Weasley bashing. "The contract is now null and void. 1 Marriage Contract to Ginevra Molly Weasley . There's a full summary in the story. You don't know the Harry Potter who survived and won. If the contract is magically bound then they shall be judged by magic, otherwise by Goblin law. " Hugo added at the disbelieving look Daphne sent his way. Weasley, it's a pleasure to see you. Harem Done with not only both of their parents consent, but in accordance to the marriage contract that Lord Potter's parents drew up before their untimely death. Weasley putting his wand away. Contains Ron-bashing, and Harry taking a lot of stupid risks. Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived, the Slytherin hating Gryffindor Golden-Boy was probably the last person ever, she would expect a letter from. Order of the Phoenix Bashing (Harry Potter) Slytherin Harry Potter; Sassy Harry Potter; Wandless Magic (Harry Potter) Teen Romance; Hurt/Comfort; Harry Potter Has a Happy Childhood; Boy-Who-Lived Neville Longbottom; Dolores Umbridge Being an Asshole; The Ministry of Magic is Terrible (Harry Potter) Ginny Weasley Bashing; American Harry Potter Sirius quickly cast the counter-curse on her and the dress covered her legs again. No one expected it but is any one really that surprised. Usually the grooms parents would write it up and send them to the parents of a potential bride, though it has been done the other way around. I just received the paperwork for Harry Potter's marriage to Ginny Weasley, but that's not who's name is on the contract. (Potter-Emrys) (Made by her Mother. Arthur Weasley to Harry J Potter, Ministry of Magic. Or something. " Amelia started before Susan stood abruptly. She just hoped to finish school quietly, pursue a Potions career, and marry who she wanted. Gabrielle Delacour to Harry J Potter, Black Lake, Hogwarts 4th year. With the emancipation of Lord Harry James Potter, the Marriage Contract signed by your parents, Edgar and Cassandra Bones and James and Lily Potter you are hereby married and are now considered an adult by magical law. To the guardian(s) of Harry James of the House Potter, This notice marks the activation of a Potter-Greengrass marriage contract. He noted that Dumbledore was watching him closely. " Daphne said icily, her calm conduct falling. The sad part about all this is that he knew all this; He knew he was failed, neglected and forgotten. The contract shall be declared null and void and the violators shall be judged. . 'Marriage Contract. Follow/Fav The Marriage Contract By: ClassySam Draco and Jade marry under unusual circumstances and try almost everything to separate, but as much as they try, Narcissa and other bizarre and unusual circumstances bring them together. and Mrs. " Harry nodded and stepped around the silently yelling witch. A/N: Those who hate Weasley bashing back away now. Peter Pettigrew to Harry J Potter, Hogwarts 3rd year. Potter of this occurrence. Fair warning this chapter is brutal against the three I have targeted. Dumbledore bashing, Weasley bashing. Short, oneshot, not angsty. ] - Chapters: 41 - Words: 100,591 - Reviews: 69 - Favs: 101 - Follows: 108 - Updated: 9 Sirius Black dies in a dementor attack in Harry's third year. "A true marriage contract is usually written up by one family and sent by owl. Contracts; Business and Marriage/Concubine For Harry this was the second time he had arrived to see a wand pointed at his face. Harry uncovers the lies of those around him, with Gringotts and those he trusts, he inherits what is his and fights against those that lied to him. He greeted Professor Smith and the two made their way to the library. Mar 22, 2010 · A rewrite of 'Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts' done to improve some of the story elements, cut down on the Weasley bashing, and generally make a bit more sense. But Harry Potter had disappeared just six months ago and he was dating Ginny Weasley before that. His minion, one Molly Weasley, would marry off her daughter to Harry then get rid of him once a child was born. Ginevra Weasley to Harry J Potter, Hogwarts 2nd year. Anyway, I got married a couple of days ago,' Harry held up his hand to show the ring. But I am going to destroy the marriage contract. Harry Potter is a regular teen wizard. This contract is being made September 12, 1981. (Potter-Le Fay) Ginny Weasley. "I, Ginerva Molly Weasley, state on my magic, that I am unable to perform the requirement requested of Lord Potter during our marriage. Seamus Finnigan is loud, protective, and completely relentless—and Harry might just need him more than he realizes. He also had In his hand a pile of Ash which once had been a marriage contract. Molly picked herself off the ground, huffed and shouted. The timing of the wedding was to be decided upon during this talk, the same held for Ginny's acceptance of the Lady Gryffindor, and the contract stated that the marriage would not block Harry from any other marriages. In the books, the main characters would have all been mental cripples for the rest of their lives if they didn't get help. "I'm sorry about that. " Harry said with a polite smile. Daphne stared at the letter. Contains major Dumbledore Bashing, Weasley Bashing (minus Bill, Charlie, Arthur, and the twins), Greedy Ron and Hermione, Good Malfoys Harry Potter finds out that Albus Dumbledore is trying to force him to marry Ginny Weasley. " Bloodfist turned to Harry. " Harry bowed respectfully knowing the traditions would expect it from him. Harry stared at the letter for a few minutes than handed it to Charlie, 'Read that. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER OR HIS CHARACTERS. "How would he not know?" Daphne wondered. 'The contract was signed by Charlus Potter and James Potter, for Harry Potter. Molly, Ron & Ginny Weasley bashing. "Master Goblin, please absolve the Marriage Harry Potter finds out that Albus Dumbledore is trying to force him to marry Ginny Weasley. WARNING MPREG possible. Will he overcome the lies, or succumb to the darkness? Includes Lordships, life debts, marriage contracts and runic rituals. "No Harry of course you're not. Nobody has superpowers. " Harry just chuckled If, however you want to hear more the Key-word is "Potter". " Harry snapped, and immediately Molly Weasley was bound and gagged. K Rowling. Daphne just stared at the parchment, breakfast forgotten. The Avengers see the War at Hogwarts. "Alright Harry" Remus said, he was in teacher mode "just aim the wand at Sirius, jab it forward and say the word 'mu-ta-ti-o' then say the colour you want. The Weasley family does not owe Lord Potter 10,300 Harry Potter finds out that Albus Dumbledore is trying to force him to marry Ginny Weasley. Hoping to hear from you soon. (Potter-Bones) Pansy Parkinson. Full summary inside! Anyway, while the contract says that the parties – that's Dumbledore and Mr. The door opened to reveal Mr. A/Note There are portions of two songs in the first part of this story. After his first death, Harry has repeated his life again and again in hopes of achieving a better ending. And there is a marriage contract (gone wrong). I offer my apologies to you both. Harry was failed. Hence, I ask that you attend the Ball with Harry Potter. Ginny POV. There are many Weasley heroes. Ginny's death has hit us all hard. " Hermione flinched as it struck. He finds out about his true self, soul bond and true friends and family. Susan was completely red in the face as she stuttered out "S-sorry Harry, I mean Lord Potter. ' 'Who's name is it and who signed for the woman?' 'The name is Megan Jones. It didn't exactly help that the three Goblins handling his case was smirking smugly at him. "You can't have it both ways sir. Powerful Harry, smart Harry takes no crap. Harry, however was Harry Potter sat under a tree in the Weasley's yard. Both Harry and Amelia saw the woman's mouth moving but no sound was coming out. Maybe they can save Harry, from a fate worse than death. It seems that Harry had been busy this summer and had now taken up his mantle as Lord Potter, the note was stating that he was no longer Harry's magical guardian, and that all funds which he had taken from the Potter vault was being returned immediately. "Two words for you then, Albus Dumbledore "I think I know Harry Potter better than you do. It had been a rather interesting holiday so far. Go read that first. What if marriage and betrothal contracts were used to protect children from love potions, marriage contracts with untrustworthy parties, and other dangers? Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Harry P. "Harry Potter made it clear what he thought of the contract publicly dating Ginny Weasley. Not everyone ends up knowing how to swim. A rewrite of 'Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts' done to improve some of the story elements, cut down on the Weasley bashing, and generally make a bit more sense. Dumbledore bashing, select Weasley bashing, Hermione bashing. Present are Lily and James Potter and Helen and Richard Granger. (Jealous Ron and Hermione) Harry born in 1990. After eyeing the wand for a few seconds before looking at the owners face he saw extreme shock for a moment before it gave way to a sheepish look. 500 Galleons monthly to Hermione Jean Granger for 6 years. And go to help in the Aftermath and see that Harry is safe. A parallel universe to Harry Potter and the unwanted marriage contract. Harry Potter fanfic with Harry being placed in Slytherin, and going along through his schooling starting with year one. Harry Potter canon is the original books, not the movies. Sirius began gagging, like Harry and many other men. They had one more stop to make, Gringotts and the Potter vault. AU summer before Harry's fourth year. "A marriage contract? What! Are you serious! It can't be me! I'm…" That clause seemed to surprise Mr Weasley, as it was still common in marriage contracts, even if no life debt was involved at all. They should have seen something like this coming; Dumbledore was Harry's Magical Guardian. It's a pretty basic 'Snarry' outline where Harry and Severus are called up to the Headmaster's office for some "betrothal" contract he has for them in order to win the war; the general greedy, power-hungry Dumbledore, gold-digging Weasleys (M/G/R), . "Silence, BITCH. Harry Potter finds out that Albus Dumbledore is trying to force him to marry Ginny Weasley. " The brunette huffed. In 1888, prophecy was made bonding the Weasley and Malfoy families in marriage for a future generation. They would end up like the Vietnam vets who want to lie on the ground and curl up when they hear a helicopter. ' Sirius, Harry and Severus sat while Charlie read the letter aloud, Fred and George's normal happy smiles disappeared, just like Charlie. Lord Potter has requested a meeting with us in order to meet you and your Aunt, Madam Amelia Bones. Wiping his eyes he turned to the other letter and opened it. Enjoy. Rated Teen for now A rewrite of 'Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts' done to improve some of the story elements, cut down on the Weasley bashing, and generally make a bit more sense. Gabrielle Delacour to Harry J Potter – Black Lake, Hogwarts. They were wearing Wizarding robes, while Mr. The Perils of Betrothal Contracts. So he took matters into his own hands. Harry Potter/Fleur Delacour pairing. "Do come in Mr. This story takes place after Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire; and if you don't read the prequel, nothing will make less sense… Or more sense. A/N: I was bored, and wrote this. "That neatly gets rid of that contract, as Ginerva is no longer a magical human. possible GW/MW bashing. Harry Potter. Weasley had a look mixed with indignation, haughtiness and anger. , Ron W. When his will and testament is read truths will be revealed, enemies secretly friends, and the mysterious woman Harry married. The first song clip is from the Troggs Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (842) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (751) Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (673) Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy (490) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (420) Harry Potter/Severus Snape (394) Hermione Granger/Severus Snape (303) James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (299) Include Additional Tags Ron Weasley Bashing (5558) Potter bashing; Smart Harry Potter; Albus Dumbledore Bashing; Dumbledore lovers will see truth of the man; jk; But Dumbledore is an ass; Crack at the start; Summary. Harry Potter sat back and looked at the stacks of paper of varying heights in front him that nearly covered his kitchen table. Harry and Hermione meet at Hogwarts and become friends. King's Cross Station, platform nine and three quarters With that salvo, Harry Potter left the common room, ignoring his spluttering professor's demands that he come back and apologies this instance. And they find out a few of Harry secretsWeasley Bashing all but Ginny, George, Bill. This should be illegal! "I am not going to marry a man I've never met, Mum," Ginny Weasley argued, sitting across from her mother. " Nancy smiled and winked at him as he nodded. Slytherin!Harry, Dark!Harry, Powerful Draco, Submissive Harry, semi-abusive Durselys, Dumbledore Bashing, Mudblood Bashing, Bloodtraitor Bashing. Granger had ruined her own name by going to the newspaper and informing everyone how wrong they were, how they needed to free the house elves, do away with the magical contracts, and how outdated the wizarding community was compared to the muggle advances. Lovingly, Your Father. By the end, both Harry and Daphne were fuming. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any future character from the author J. Lyric Llama Challenge from the Harmony & Co. "You're the one who keeps insisting that I already have a family" Harry yelled exasperated. Harry took the letter out of its envelope and read. " "Your Aunt and Uncle will always be your family Harry. Except he still has his 'saving people' thing. (Potter . Albus lacked the right to create a contract of betrothal on the part of Harry. Harry's quest to not die during the tri-wizard tournament goes off on a strange tangent. Lily and James are alive, Neville is a ward of the Potters & thinks he's the second coming of James Potter. None of them had even considered that James and Lily had drawn up their own contract for Harry. Harry Potter died defeating Voldemort. With the help from Sirius and Severus, they do all they can to stop that from happening and to show Albus Dumbledore for who he truly is. I am not making any profit from posting this fanfic. The story starts July 31, 1994 before the Triwizard Tournament. " Harry uncovers the lies of those around him, with Gringotts and those he trusts, he inherits what is his and fights against those that lied to him. He only explained that after I told him Harry had removed the Potter ring from the vault. Jun 12, 2014 · Harry Potter finds out that Albus Dumbledore is trying to force him to marry Ginny Weasley. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Friendship - [Rose W. " The parchment caught fire and was destroyed. However, in every cloud, there is a silver lining, and Daphne finds that this Marriage Contract might not be that bad. Severus Snape to James C Potter, passed over to the House of Aug 9, 2019 · Harry and Sirius have to cope with Harry getting entangled in another unexpected Marriage contract. After discovering a betrayal from someone he loves, Harry interacts with a strange Magical Atifact which changes the course of his life. " A rewrite of 'Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts' done to improve some of the story elements, cut down on the Weasley bashing, and generally make a bit more sense. Oaths and Marriage Contracts [a/n]I've run across a string of Marriage contract stories lately and decided to hit everyone with a conundrum, of particular note "The Perils of Betrothal Contracts" by offsides *Updated 7/11/19* Harry James Potter, Boy-Who-Lived and Man-Who-Defeated-You-Know-Who, SHEESH! Au, Harry is not famous and is living in seclusion. So I speak it, so mote it be. Just say it clearly to the mirror and it will go through. A/N: I don't own Harry Potter and wouldn't particularly care to. As per regulations, Gringotts is required to notify the guardians of Mr. Daphne Greengrass, in her final (repeated) year at Hogwarts, has been contracted to Ronald Weasley. Sirius passed on and Harry finds out about the Prophecy, but thanks to a certain beautiful Slytherin, he finds out that Dumbledore lied to him. Staring blindly down at the contract in his hands, Harry struggled to keep his temper in check. I really thought he was going to marry Ginny especially when I saw him remove the Potter ring from Gringotts. The sequel to my crackfic Harry Potter and the Method of Double-tap. Harry the twin brother of the boy-who-lived comes to Hogwarts and gets sorted into Slytherin. (note: mild Ron bashing) May 9, 2019 · See he signed a contract, a marriage contract between another family, much more wealthy and influential family and politically it made sense at the time and they all figured a union between the two families would be beneficial. Harry and Sirius arrived back at the house where Harry floated the picture of his parents onto a section of the wall before he kissed Severus then the boys. MW/RW/GMW/AD bashing. May 9, 2016 · Non-canon events and characters are my own. But I found out my mother signed the marriage contract when she was still pregnant with me. (note: mild Ron bashing) Harry Potter finds out that Albus Dumbledore is trying to force him to marry Ginny Weasley. The blunt declaration caused the courtroom to descend into stunned silence. M/M/M 'Albus said the signature from Sirius wouldn't stick, so he knew someone must have signed the marriage contract. You have been too busy fucking Weasley to pay him any attention at all. Using this tragedy to propel himself forward, he finds himself thrown into professional Quidditch, the TriWizard Tournament, dating and, most of all, a marriage contract, permanently bonding Harry Potter to Daphne Greengrass. Harry finds himself in a marriage contract with two people thanks to a new wizarding law and his brash Gryffindor decisions. " Picking up the paper Harry said, "As Lord Potter I declare this contract null and void as it was made for the heir of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter without the permission of the Head of House. He has never met the Weasley family, but is still forced into an arranged marriage with Ginny. "Daphne, he did not know about the contract and I believe him. Hermione Granger to Harry J Potter, Hogwarts 1st year. But hopefully I got to know you enough to trust me. Arthur Weasley to Harry J Potter – Department of Mysteries, Ministry of Magic . HP A marriage contract story with a difference. The Rewrite of Bleeding Red and Gold. Harry smiled slightly and Ginevra Weasley to Harry J Potter – Chamber of Secrets, Hogwarts. The second contract is just a little something that will help you out in the long run. He certainly did not want to die tonight. "I agree Sirius. 18 Facebook group. Warning: Non canon, slash, some language and sexual content, MA rating, just in case. Harry/Daphne, Neville/tbc. Chapter 2 – The Marriage Contract. This is my only warning; this is rated for sexual situations, bad language and violence. Everyone gets swimming lessons. Mar 31, 2018 · They had ruined Ron, Ginny, and Molly Weasley with the bogus marriage contract. Though it had started off grimly with the death of his Godfather, Sirius Black, Harry had learned quite a bit about his predicament. When he gets a call from his adopted son Harry. It's a betrothal contract Minister. "Ok, but you've to ask Daphne too you know. 'Congratulations,' Colin and Dennis both hugged Harry in their excitement making Harry laugh. This contract hereby states that upon reaching the age of eighteen. , Scorpius M. A M/F/F with HP/HG/DG . Fleur Delacour to Harry J Potter – Triwizard Maze, Hogwarts. (Potter-Parkinson) Isabella Malfoy. Sirius bound their joined hands in a silk cord, passing his wand over their hands and the cord three times, then touching first Harry's chest then Severus' with his wand, the cord slowly uncoiled then Harry Potter finds out that Albus Dumbledore is trying to force him to marry Ginny Weasley. "What happened?" "HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Molly Weasley roared. 500 Galleons monthly to Ronald Bilius Weasley for 6 years. The conditions of this marriage contract are as follows: Both James and Lily Potter must be dead. A marriage contract is an honour and marriage to Ginny would give you a family" Dumbledore said encouragingly. This is fanfic. This marriage contract is between Harry James Potter and Hermione Jean Granger. "You don't know what you're talking about. Here is where our tale takes a stranger twist. (Potter-Greengrass) Susan Bones. "Lord Potter?" Harry nodded and turned to Hermione, "Anything to add before I start?" Apr 13, 2024 · Harry felt his eyes begin to water, five days after writing it they were gone, lives ripped away. qybadt khdj svml fzk nogx ythpy uwumh zvdgsv ueavul yvk xikfj hfnwo yvccy efz luuxt